Thursday, 27 November 2014

Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin [ 07-06-1848, Paris - 08-05-1903, Atuona]

Savage poems
Te Atua, Noa Noa album
Idole polyneesi, Noa Noa album
Fragrant, Noa Noa album
Water, Noa Noa album
Tahitian woman with evil spirit
The Loss of Innocence, Norfolk, The Chrysler Museum
Bouquet of flowers with a window open to the sea, Paris, Museum Orsay
Maruru; Merci - An Offering of Gratitude
Life and Death
Paul Gauguin, “The Soul of the Dead Watching” (Maori Woman)
Auti Te Pape (Women at the River)
Tahitian woman in a landscape, Paris, Orsay Museum
Harvest: Le Pouldu, The National Gallery, London
unknown Gaugin, probably from Slomovic collection
Suzanne sewing, Ny Carlsberg Glypotek. Copenhage
Tahitian scene
Landscape with two goats, St Petersburg, The Hermitage

Louis Dubois

Louis Dubois [ 13-12-1830, Brussels - 28-04-1880, Brussels ]
Storks, Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium

Mark Rothko

Wszystko z czego zasłynął, pominęłam. Abstrakcyjne pola widzenia/ odczuwania trzeba dotknąć zmysłami na żywo. Powielanie na monitorze nie ma sensu. Podobno to obrazy, których nie powinno się rozumieć tylko chłonąć, nasączać się nimi jak światłem rozproszonym w powietrzu. Nie wiem, ale jestem bardzo ciekawa jak to jest i mam nadzieję, że kiedyś będę miała szansę się przekonać.

I left out everything, what made him famous. Abstract fields of view/ feel have to be touched by senses, unplugged. Replicating it on screen has no sense. Reportedly, these images are not to understand, but to devour, to absorb them like a light diffused in air. I don`t know, but i am very curious how it feels like and i hope, that one day i will have a chance to try.

Mark Rothko [25-08-1903, Dvinsk - 25-02-1970, New York]

Entrance to subway
Street scene

Hierarchical birds
Underground fantasy

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Hokusai Katsushika

Hokusa Katsushika [23-09-1760 - 10-05-1849]
from Ariwara no narihira
Courtesan Asleep
Umegawa in Sagami Province
A lacquered washbasin and ewer
The Festival of Lanterns on Temma Bridge
Fishing by Torchlight in Kai Province, from Oceans of Wisdom
The waterfall of Amida behind the Kiso Road
A woman ghost
from The Adonis Plant
from Patterns of Couples
The Dream of the Fisherman`s wife
Yurei Stories, manga
Ningyo/Japanese mermaid
Woman Looking at Herself in a Mirror